I really don't know how to start this post off, mostly because it's sort of impossible to type out a shrill squeal. In all honesty, I can't really do that now anyway because of all the squealing I did last night over my favorite night of the year. Oscar night has always been sort of sacred to me. However, what started out as a shameless night of celebrity worship has grown into a celebration of all the people who have inspired me with their work and dedication. Last night, everything melted away as I watched, tweeted over 70 times (!), and customized what was possibly the greatest pizza ever. Anybody who watched also witnessed history. If you don't agree, think about this: We still talk about that one Cher outfit. You know the one. You're picturing it right now. I'm pretty sure that's all I need to say. Even though there will be countless shallow "10 Best Moments" lists on Buzzfeed, arguments over "Best Dressed", and discussions of
Abby. Film nerd trying to figure out what movies actually mean.