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Treasure Huntin'

Normally, I object to a website or magazine posting the best things about this year a month, week, or even a day early, but I just got struck on the head by the mallet of mediocre inspiration, so I'm going to go ahead and write this. This year has been really cool for me and I'm sure it has been for a lot of you people out there, too. Then again, maybe it hasn't been for you, but there are some cool things to always celebrate. I made a list(ish) of my favorite things I found this year:

1. The Internet
Weird, huh? The Internet has been around for most of my life, but it took this year for me to really appreciate it. This year, I discovered all sorts of neat things (yes, I still use the word neat). Stuff like Rookie (, a cool site for girls that talks about literally everything intelligently, and HelloGiggles (, described on their about page as "the ultimate entertainment destination for smart, independent and creative females. Everything hosted on the site will be lady-friendly, so visitors need not worry about finding the standard Boys Club content that makes many entertainment sites unappealing to so many of us." Turns out that there's really funny and interesting stuff on YouTube, too, like S*** Girls Say (starred because my mom reads this) and Diablo Cody's Red Band Trailer interviews. I'm also newly obsessed with Twitter (@absolutewannabe) and podcasts like WTF with Marc Maron. So, in my sphere, the Internet has had a stellar year.

2. Music
I'm not going to name off a huge, weird list of bands and artist that I've "discovered" this year (you can pretty much click on any post and find some), but I will say that I've found some cool stuff this year thanks to record stores, BBC Radio 1, Alt Nation, and Sirius XMU that have helped me remember that music isn't really dead.

3. TV
I love TV, and this year I've been able to watch and appreciate one season wonders (Freaks and Geeks, Jack and Bobby, My So Called Life), classics (Buffy, The Golden Girls), and awesome new shows (New Girl, 2 Broke Girls, Ringer). GO WATCH TV!!!!

4. Young Adult
Go see it!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, that's my list of things I have loved and found in these past 364 days. Now I'm worried I'm going to cure cancer or something tomorrow and this is going to be meaningless...


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