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A Thank You to Kate Nash and an Undisclosed Age

Today is my birthday!!!! I am not going to tell you my age, however, because this is the Internet and that would just be downright silly of me. Thank you for finding me through word of mouth, Facebook, or Twitter. This boosts my self confidence greatly, especially since I'm getting up there in age (not really, but this seemed like a good opportunity for that joke). People keep asking me today what I'm going to do for my birthday, but I don't know. I have been to the record store and am now listening to Buckingham Nicks (!!!). Later, I may get barbecue for dinner, because, in the words of the musical genius, champion of feminism, and my hero Kate Nash, "Barbecue food is good". Pretty good for a birthday, in my opinion. Speaking of Kate Nash, I tweeted about her this week, with links to her cover of "One Way or Another" by Blondie and this blog. The next morning, I awoke to find a hit from the UK. Could it be Kate Nash? I MOST CERTAINLY HOPE SO!!!!!! If you're out there Kate Nash, thank you for reading my blog!!! I think you're an awesome artist and person and you're music is always part of my daily routine! If you are not Kate Nash, thank you for your good taste, your literacy, the hope you gave me, and your Britishness (yay new word!). Kate Nash's music and her actions have always kept me inspired. She doesn't follow the beaten path that most common pop artists have taken, resulting in a unique, catchy, and thought provoking body of work. I listen to her music just about every day in every situation and her music and her career keep me dreaming that I will be able to have a career as a writer and filmmaker that is even the slightest bit as successful as hers. Through her music, she has given me joy on good and bad days and confidence that if people like her music as much as I like it, I may grow to have the same sort of fan base as a writer and have the opportunity to speak my mind the way she does to an audience. I think the greatest gift a person can give another person is hope and confidence. While Ms. Nash has done that for me, so many people who aren't famous have done that for me, too. The readers of my blog, whether they be family, friends, or random strangers, do this for me already. I write random nonsense every so often about nothing in particular, yet you continue to read them. I think a lot of people give hope to others without realizing it. A person who says "have a nice day" to a stranger on the street is more than able to brighten a person's day just by doing that. Please be willing to go out and make more people happy, at least as a birthday gift to me. It's not hard. Whether you think you're incredible talent or are still not sure of your talent, you can do it. The world will be a happier place for it. Have a nice day.

Abby, Absolute Wannabe


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